Posted on March 16, 2025
Alex invited him to lie face down. With a gentle touch, he began to apply the aromatic oil. As his hands ran over Gabriel's skin, he could feel himself relaxing. Each caress was a promise of pleasure. Gabriel closed his eyes and let the pleasure take over him, feeling a seductive game. His breathing became deeper, and the heat between them began to intensify. The massage became a ritual of surrender. The adventure that had begun subtly soon turned into a fiery one, where both gave themselves over, exploring the limits of their desire and the intensity of their connection.Alex lo invit a que se acomodara boca abajo. Con un suave toque, comenz a aplicar el aceite aromtico. A medida que sus manos recorran la piel de Gabriel, el poda sentir cmo se relajaba. Cada caricia era una promesa de placer. Gabriel cerr los ojos y dej que el placer se apoderara de l, sintiendo un juego seductor. Su respiracin se torn ms profunda, y el calor entre ellos empez a intensificarse. El masaje se convirti en un ritual de entrega. La aventura que haba comenzado de manera sutil, pronto se transform en ardiente, donde ambos se entregaronexplorando los lmites de su deseo y la intensidad de su conexin.